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Small Things With Great Love: Why Health Coach And Author Charlie Dehass Created Clean Treats

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This month we sat down with Charlie DeHaas, who created the delicious Clean Treats that you would have found in your August GoodnessMe Box. We were inspired to find out how Charlie developed the idea for Charlie's Balls, that she had written a book and is often asked to schools to speak to teenage girls about self love. We wanted to find out more about the woman who does it all; health coaching, writing and speaking.

What inspired you to become a health coach? Have you always been interested in good health?
I studied beauty therapy over ten years ago, and created more of a wellness/day spa career than traditional beauty therapy. I have worked with amazing companies such as Pevonia Botanica, Moroccan Oil, Napoleon Perdis and Flush Fitness as well as managed a multi million dollar day spa with a team of over 15. The certification was really to verify all that I have learnt over the past ten years.

After hitting my own rock bottom (which I wrote about in my Book, Live a life you Love, and speak about in my seminars), I created change by choosing daily healthy habits, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and doing my very best daily to be a better person.

I learnt to love myself, and this is the message I am so passionate about sharing. Be your own best friend, appreciate the beautiful, unique creation you are. Be authentic.

I was always a tomboy and loved every sport possible. Fitness has always been a part of my life. The amazing miracle that is our body and how intricate our mind is has always intrigued me. I spent several hours reading books (I’m a book nerd and proud) and developing my knowledge of the Mind, body and more recently the soul.

Do you have any secret tips you use to keep looking / feeling great?
Its all in what you believe. If you create a sense of self worth, of self love and value…you will make healthy choices to honor your body and those thoughts. If you don't feel so good about yourself, we tend to reach for ‘comfort/bad’ foods which generally are a reflection of how we feel on the inside which in turn only amplify those negative feelings and self beliefs.

Every day I practice an attitude of gratitude, self love work (mirror work) and work up a sweat every day.

You often talk about the importance of taking control of life. What’s your advice to those who are still searching for a better way to live?
Find out what makes you happy. Remove yourself from your surroundings, spend a moment in nature or somewhere you feel peace, and ask yourself ‘what kind of life do I want to life?’, ‘what makes me happy?’, ‘what kind of person do I want to be?’. Then everyday do what needs to be done to be that person, to live that life. Wake up earlier, get your body moving, work on a goal plan.

Take responsibility. You are the only one who can choose your life. All to often we play the victim, or the ‘one day’ cards, your time is now and you have everything you need already within you. Stop making excuses. If you really want it, you will find a way.
Find your passion, your dream, and chase it.

You provide a variety of services, from health coaching, being an author and a skin expert. How do these different aspects of your business go together?
I believe the last ten years of my life has led me to where I am today, and I am incredibly blessed to do what I love. Its all connected, your life, your skin, your relationships, your weight…. everything. And it all comes down to you. Your thoughts, your actions, the food you choose to eat. Health coaching is an individual service, my seminars are a version of my book (I often feel I’m repeating myself), and Clean Treats are a reflection of healthy living, eating, life in balance.

My core messages that are prevalent through all my work are:

  • Cultivate self love (develop a sense of self so strong that nothing can rock it. Know who you are, what you want, trust and believe in yourself).
  • Create an attitude of gratitude (I believe gratitude is the key to happiness, be happy with everything you are blessed with right now).
  • Be REAL not FAKE (the way you act, and what you eat).

What was your most recent book about? What inspired you to write it?
Live a life you love, a guide to living your life well, is a self help version of my online 21 day program. It works through Mind, Body and Soul aspects to create healthy habits in 21 days. NO dieting. It also provides information about why I recommend the things I do, and general topics such as different dietary trends, karma, supplements, vitamins etc. There is so much information out there I find that we get so confused! It really is so simple, find out what works for you, we are all different. The book provides you with information to do this.

I love words and books. I also believe in the power of the written word, so the book is a workbook and for this reason I didn’t release an e-book option.

You also run health and wellness seminars, tell us a bit more about them. What do the attendees gain from the experience?
These are my absolute favourite. I previously worked as a national educator for a skin care company so speaking comes easy. The seminars range on all my topics and can be tailored for fitness and yoga centres. I get the most pleasure when Im asked to a high school and get to speak with teenagers, it would fill my heart with so much love if this was in the curriculum, self love, self care, respect for each other.

Everyone takes away something different depending on what resonates with them and what they are needing. All the feedback has been amazing and its the messages and emails that I receive after that touch my heart.

I like to think they are fun (I can be heard talking about experiences such as tinder), but more importantly, I changed my life, from depression and BPD (borderline personality disorder), to happy, loving and ready for all that life has to offer me.

How do you manage your busy schedule and still look after yourself? Describe your fitness routine
To be honest, this is still something I am trying to monitor. When I was just coaching, and writing my blog I was completely in balance. As Clean Treats have become such a success so quickly I have to be mindful. Its been 3 months since they launched, so now I’m making my health a priority.

My current (and its amazing) #1 health tip is to be in bed by 10pm latest. I allow half an hour of downtime…gratitude practice, breathing technique, sleepy time tea and journal work. Then I wake up naturally. I sleep with my blinds only half drawn so I can wake up with the sunlight (its normally always a minute or two difference every day 6:56 am), no alarm. This is the best way to naturally stimulate your hormones. My goal is a minimum of 8 hours sleep. Your thoughts, your actions, your hormones, the food you crave all begin with sleep.

Fitness, I do what I feel. I sometimes focus more on running (I always was a runner), sometimes weights (currently) or yoga. Fitness is about finding what you love, and doing more of it. Don’t go to the gym and throw weights around if you don't know what your doing and you dislike it.

I move everyday. Walk, weights or yoga.

Your three, absolutely cannot live without food products?
Not a food product, but Liqiud Vitamin B… Liquid Gold.

On a daily basis…any form of greens, Spinach, Kale, Celery. I need to feel like Im helping my body achieve homeostasis/an alkaline environment.

You created the Clean Treats aka #charlieballs, tell us how you developed the idea.
They kind of just happened, and I feel it was the universe that said ‘here, see what you can do with this opportunity’. I previously made treats for my seminars and friends and genuinely loved to ‘play in my kitchen’. Someone said you should sell them. So I did. And somewhere along the line #charliesballs was born which works for the SOUL part of my coaching as people laugh, all day everyday about #balls.

What are the Clean Treats made out of?
LOVE. I sing to my #balls, the beautiful sounds of India Arie (you are beautiful like a flower), and I truly believe that every time someone chooses a Clean Treat, they are making a healthy choice, therefore creating change in the world. Mother Theresa said you don’t have to do great things, but do small things with great love. Every #ball is my small thing.

Following my Be REAL, not fake belief, they are only real ingredients. Gluten, dairy, refined sugar free. They are Vegan, paleo and preservative free.

You have a cheeky name for your product, #charliesballs. Do you put your personality into your brand and your products?
It is quite funny, and there is so much laughter about it everyday. This fills my heart with so much happiness. We all to often forget to be silly and just laugh!My #balls are part of my brand, and my brand is me. They are everything Im about and my experience working in the corporate world helps me build and nourish the business relationships I am creating. I understand what they want and need.·

What other recipes do you enjoy when you get a sweet craving?
Raw caramel slice, or peanut butter slice. I was going to add these to my Clean Treats menu, but I'm not sure my willpower is strong enough. Resisting the Vanilla Pecan and Peanut Butter #balls is challenging enough!

When it comes to clean and clear skin, what are you top 3 tips for our readers?
Hydrate. Don’t be fooled by the latest ‘miracle’ cream…it all starts on the inside. You are what you eat. Your skin now is a reflection of what you ate last month.

Monitor your sugar intake. High sugar can lead to congestion problems but also Glycation, a process that accelerates ageing.

Find out more about Charlie on her Website

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