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10 Healthy Changes You Can Make

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When the clock strikes midnight, people around the world vow to lose weight, go on crazy diets, and start intense exercise regimes. And more often than not, the resolutions fade before January does. This year, instead of changing everything, focus on making small and steady changes for your health…

1. Practice self-love

This year, make yourself a priority. We live in a fast-paced world and it’s so important to pause, recharge and reset. Self-love can take many forms. It means accepting yourself, and acknowledging all the amazing things you do. It’s being grateful for the blessings in your life. And it’s scheduling ‘me-time’ every day – even if it’s just 10 minutes – to read, listen to music, cook, nap, run a bath, or go for a walk or swim.

2. Establish good morning routine

The morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. To set yourself up for a productive day, give your mind and body the chance to wake up. Start by stretching, and sipping on warm water with lemon. Then, try to move your body in some way, whether it’s going to a class or walking around the block. When you’re feeling refreshed, enjoy a healthy brekkie – like a smoothie using the Healthy Urban Blends mix. Bottoms up!

Click here to find Healthy Urban Blends on our GoodnessMe Box Shop!

3. Cook at home regularly

This year, try to cook more than you order in or eat out. It doesn’t need to be complicated, either. Just whip up simple, nourishing food: think a source of protein (like chicken, fish or lentils), greens (like sautéed spinach) and healthy carbs (like brown rice or sweet potato).

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Our sneaky trick is to sip on herbal tea. Think of it as water with benefits! Lately, we’ve been loving the Taprobone Tea Green Tea & Citrus. Thanks to the green tea, it revs up the metabolism and helps wit mental clarity, and the citrus invigorates the senses. It’s the perfect mid-morning pick-me-up. The Green Tea & Blueberry blend is yummy, too.

You can try Taprobone Tea in this months 'Summer Glow' GoodnessMe Box

5. Eat more wholefoods

It’s too easy to reach for packaged, processed foods, but they can be packed with nasty, artificial ingredients, and GMOs. In 2019, try to slowly but surely transition to a wholefood diet. Our Going Whole program was designed to help people with exactly that! You can also start by making healthy food swaps that taste just as good, if not better. For example, swap pizza for cauliflower pizza, vegetable oil for olive oil, and butter for nut butter.

6. Switch to natural beauty products

When it comes to beauty, less is definitely more! Less ingredients, less chemicals and less effort. Luckily, there’s never been a better time to switch to low-tox products. There are plenty of innovative products on the market that are not only free from nasties, but just as effective. Jama’s Aluminium-Free Natural Deodorant and Miss Magoo’s Firming Eye Cream are seeing us through summer! You can find both of these products on our GoodnessMe Box shop. We've worked hard with our health practitioners to make sure every product on our shop meets our strict Code of Ethics Criteria so you can be sure your getting the best of the best when it comes to food and beauty with zero nasties.

7. Decrease your plastic use

In the GMB office, we’re making a conscious effort to use less plastic – and it turns out, it’s easier than we thought! We’re switching to metal straws and bamboo toothbrushes, stashing our food in glass containers, saying no to plastic bags at the shops, and sipping from stainless steel bottles (which also keep your water cooler for longer – a godsend in summer!). We’ve also ditched cling wrap for Apiwraps Beeswax Wraps.

8. Exercise in ways that you love

Hate bootcamps? Get your strength fix through power pump. Can’t stand spinning? Try running or boxing. And if you watch the clock during yoga, give pilates a go! There are so many ways to move your body, and there is absolutely no reason why you should punish yourself with workouts you hate. Experiment with different kinds of exercise until you find one that you actually want to do.

9. Rest!

Stress has a domino effect on the body and impacts our digestion, sleep and skin. Our bodies weren’t designed to go-go-go. While resting may seem indulgent, but we really need to prioritise it for the sake of our health. This year, give yourself permission to rest when you need to. Maybe you go to bed deliciously early, meditate, or switch off social media.

10. Celebrate the small wins

Health isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress, so don’t put insane pressure on yourself to overhaul everything at once.

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