Good Riddance Insect Repellent Sensitive 100ml
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The rich & nourishing cream creates a repellent that lasts longer on your skin and provides a physical barrier against midges and sandflies, which has been clinically proven to be more effective than 80% DEET! The cream also helps to hold the essential oils on the skin for longer than a spray, reducing the need for reapplication. The unique DEET and Citronella-free formula contains Lavender, Geranium & Sweet Vanilla.
• Safe for babies (from 3 months of age), pregnancy & sensitive skin • Free from DEET, picaridin and citronella • Clinically proven and registered with the APVMA (Australia's accreditation body for insect repellents)
Good Riddance Insect Repellent is a natural, DEET-free midge, sandfly and natural mosquito repellent designed to get you back outside, without the nasty chemicals and the pesky bites!
12.36 g/L lavender oil, 6.18 g/L essential oil of Cymbopogon spp. This cream base contains sustainably sourced beeswax and as such, is not suitable for vegans.
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